Fantastic savings for parcels to North & Central America
To send your parcel, all you’ll need to do to send a parcel is to list the weight and dimensions and enter that into our Quotes calculator and you will get a list of prices.
Which sercive can I choose to send a Parcel?
A collection service can be made so that the courier can come to your door to pick up your parcel. Just use our Quotes calculator and type in the weight and dimensions of your parcel. If you’re wanting to take your own time then a drop off service might be more convenient for you, DHL has over 1,200 DHL service points where you can take to. It might also be cheaper for you too!
Customs in North & Central America
Make sure that the customs document is attached to your parcel where customs can see it. If there is an issue then customs would need to contact someone that’s why it’s best to provide the recipient’s number. Any tax or customs duty charged would need to be paid by the recipient.