Best Parcel Delivery Service in UK
Send a Parcel with Parcelforce Express 48 through ParcelPal from £9.99 EXC VAT
Get your parcel sent by Parcelforce 48
Parcelforce Express 48 Drop off service
Parcelforce Express 48 Collection service and times
1. Measure the dimensions + weight and input that into our Quotes calculator.
2. You’ll be provided with the options to choose: Collection or a Drop off service. If you are choosing Collection, the driver will come to the chosen address and time to pick up your parcel. If you are choosing Drop off, this means that you’ll be going to the local drop off points or Post Office to leave your parcel there. You can drop off your parcel at any time during the opening times of the Post Office whichever is convenient for you.
3. Now that everything is done, you can Track your parcel online to see which stage it’s at.